July Intuition + Visionboard


2021 was about Intuition. A single word designated as a compass to help me manifest my goals and direction.

intuition: noun the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. "we shall allow our intuition to guide us"

I’ll keep this one short and sweet. It’s the start of a summer slow-down for me. For the most part planned - but part enforced by my body after getting a bug a couple of weeks ago, totally wiping me out and making me sleep. A lot.

I’ve woofed on about seasonal working and the need for balance for months. Now I have chosen that summer is my time to do it. I’ve reduced my working days and load until at least Autumn. This I feared would leave me cutting or pissing off clients but in fact a flurry of new work and bookings have come in - of which I am carefully spacing out over summer and scheduling as far as September and October. I feel lucky and it’s a great position to be in, yet the little voice of doubt in my head nags at me with feelings of extreme guilt for gifting myself this time. I am trying to work on that.

My working days are more spread out and not typical hours. Instead I find my mornings are better spent doing tasks and exercise if I feel like it and then afternoons spent with intense blocks of work in two parts.

I love the space mentally and phyiscally. I almost didn’t write this Intuition as I was late to do so and let it roll down the list of self enforced pressures on my list. Maybe I am starting to chill out?

Would the World end if I’m late with this? What if I don’t even post one for July? Answer: No. Will it f**k. Instead, I took a number of days away from my screen and then felt a flurry of inspiration to do the illustration above and jot down my thoughts here.

AND it was after a nap under the trees no less. So it goes to show that rest does you good and inspires you.

So thats what I’m off to do more of - slow down, resting and being outside. (I’m writing this sat out in the sunshine.) Win win.

Happy summer everyone x

***** Illustration my own | Pattern in background circles source *****