February Intuition + Visionboard


2021 was about Intuition. A single word designated as a compass to help me manifest my goals and direction.

intuition: noun the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. "we shall allow our intuition to guide us"

After accepting I need to slow down, I realise how much I’ve filled my plate. If January’s considerations and reflections have shown me anything, it’s that I’m never bored or without work to do.

My client bookings are full (and for that I'm really grateful). Yet so is my own project list and the feeling of frustration at the inability to indulge in these areas has now manifested itself to an intuitive feeling pleading for space and simplification. This is the time of organisation and re-prioritising, building on January’s self care and space before the next phase...

This month my areas of focus are:

Simplification - how much really needs to be done right now?

Prioritising my tasks - what’s most important and what can wait?

Creating Space - time to plan and time for myself

Practising Patience (this is a big one - I’m super impatient) - small steps, I can’t do it all now

Creating Boundaries - in order to allow myself space for the next steps

Acceptance - of my efforts being enough

February in reflection

As February draws to a close (where did the hell that go?) I’ve felt a sense of lightness as the days have passed. I’ve worked hard to remind myself daily to allow myself permission to take it step by step. My default setting to take on the World and do it all at once has popped up many times, often triggered by seeing something on Instagram I’m keen to learn, or looking at my dreams board and dying to start the next phase, comparing myself to others, daydreaming (I am a pisces after all) or doodling and instantly wanting to turn it into something more tangible. 

Its been hard to try to stop these old habits and practice a quieter approach. I now set a smaller task list at the start of the month and put other items onto post-its for March, April and even May. Knowing they are there - but its not ‘their time’ to be dabbled with yet has given me a sense of peace that surprisingly hasn’t come with a side of guilt, failure or impatience (ok maybe the last one a little bit).

My daily task list is smaller - where previously it contained everything inc the kitchen sink, workouts, chores and solving world hunger. I now break it down.

There is a plan and a process I am working to and its absolutely what I need right now. And thats enough.

February lessons

  • eyes on the prize

  • go at your own pace

  • all in good time


Moodboard image credits: @melissaselmin, Rune, AngelUKDesign, displate.com, Headspace, Valerie de Rozarieux, Angela Rossi, muralswallpaper.com, ournalingjunkie.tumblr.com, scrapbook.com 

Katy Ennis-Hargreaves